viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

Day 6 - Ideas for exploiting 'Text'

In the morning, on TV I could check that the same things happen everywhere.

Today at the school we have changed our teacher and the group components.
We all are with Julie and none of us are English teachers.

The topic for today is to know how we can use activities or texts to improve the students abilities for reading, writing, speaking and listening.

To begin with, we have made two posters to summarize the work done during the week.

After then, by using some examples we have seen different approaches to override textbooks and their activities, boring for students and teachers.

To finish we hav review phonetics. I think ever time I can understand it better.

As it's been a long week, we've ended before the lunch.

Today is special because two of our new colleagues are leaving tomorrow. That's why we've taken the guitar from IPC office and we've been singing songs all together in the basement.

After that I've going with some of the teachers to the RAMM museum.

Today's Sant Patrick's day, so we have had dinner together in Exeter having a funny time there and sharing experiences and our free time.

Bye Didier. Bye Jeremy.

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